
Semban Lady

Kampung Semban has been known as one of the most remote villages up in the Padawan mountain range with no access road deep within the jungle of primary forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Kampung Semban is renowned for its Embhan community which is one of the sub-ethnic groups of Bidayuh. This community has been widely portrayed in the local tourism industry through the spectacular appearance of their last remaining 'Ring Ladies'. Theses special ladies wore brass-rings around their calves called 'rasung', and brass-rings around the forearms known as 'ruyang'. At present there are only eight remaining elderly women living who are still wearing ruyang and rasung. without the presence of these eight elderly, the culture of ruyang and rasung will be just a history because there are no ypung people wearing them at the moment. Yakup Mohd. Rafee, Dr., 2014.