Category FAQs Search : Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak

Question: Activities To Minimize Stormwater Runoff from Your Property

Answer: Limit the amount of impervious surfaces in your landscape. Use permeable paving surfaces such as wood decks, bricks, and concrete lattice to allow water to soak into the ground. Where possible, direct runoff from impervious surfaces across vegetated areas.

Allow "thick" vegetation or "buffer strips" to grow alongside waterways to filter and slow runoff and soak up pollutants.

Plant trees, shrubs, and groundcover in your compound area.

Below are some of the pictures that describe the infiltration process and the creativity transforming the conventional method to the environment friendly type of drainage:

The process of infiltration through permeable surfaces.
Grassy swale with coble stone bottom.
Brick pavement to replace impervious surfacing of the road.
Permeable surfacing for landscaping
Pervious surfaces to slow and reduce runoff volume and to beautify the community

(Source: Department of Irrigation and Drainage Sarawak, 06 May 2020)

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