Category FAQs Search : Plagiarism

Question: Consequences of plagiarism toward economy:

Answer: Although hard to believe, the act of an individual student plagiarising can even have a significantly adverse effect on the UK economy. This is because it devalues the degree held by students and therefore results in graduates not having the requisite skill sets needed to add value to the economy i.e. commercial awareness, problem solving and the capacity to think critically. Plagiarism can also negatively impact the value of the UK economy because private sector organisations may suffer from a skills shortage due to the limited range of attributes held by graduates who have plagiarised to attain their degree. It is worth pointing out that in this regard, students are really cheating themselves as they are unlikely to remain working for their dream company for very long if they do have the skills necessary to succeed.

(Source: Viper, 03 Sep 2021)

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