Category FAQs Search : Marine Biodiversity

Question: Causes of biodiversity loss in coastal slow ecosystems

Answer: Although far less publicised than loss of biodiversity on land, the loss of marine
also genetic, species and ecosystem diversity is a global crisis in its own right. The coastal
~vent strip (the shallow water, the intertidal area and the immediately adjacent land) is
ay be the most vulnerable as well as the most abused marine zone. Coastal ecosystems
lities are not only an important source for essential products for mankind, including
foods, medicine, raw materials and recreational facilities, but also provide ecological services that directly benefit the coastal zone. 1yof
) the Loss of biodiversity in coastal ecosystems has both direct and indirect causes. The
direct mechanisms involved include habitat loss and fragmentation, physical
alteration, over-exploitation, pollution, introduction of alien species and global estoclimate change. The root causes that drive these proximate threats lie in the high ;and rate of human population growth, the unsustainable use of natural resources,
economic policies that fail to value the environment and its resources, insufficient
scientific knowledge, and weak legal and institutional systems.

(Source: , 17 Sep 2021)

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