Category FAQs Search : Urban Farming

Question: A Relationship with Urban Farming

Answer: As the world’s population grows and cities expand into mega cities, so does poverty and
the need for better food security. Barthel and Isendhal “define food security broadly as
the situation when people have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, and
nutritious food to meet their dietary needs." (2013) Along with this growth, urban farming
is gaining more and more interest. The drive behind the interest is a desire to know
where food comes from as well as, a way to rekindle a relationship with our history, the
land, and our health. “A consumer base is building for local and quality foods." Lyson et
al. (2008) The purpose of this research is to evaluate the implications of our changing
food system and attempt to discover if urban farming practices are in fact, the future for
food security in the mega cities to come. The two main research questions are: What
are the implications of our relationship with urban farming? And how will urban farming
transform the future of agriculture on a larger scale? This is done primarily by examining
literature on urban farming, but also through working on small farms. One of the things
that stood out the most in this research was poverty stricken areas. To see if this was
also relevant in a place well known for plenty of rural farm country, I created a map to
find out where community gardens were located in Omaha, Nebraska in comparison to
the city's median income. Urban farming is prevalent even in a place with plenty of farm
land surrounding its cities.

(Source: , 23 Sep 2021)

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