Category FAQs Search : Infrastructure Development

Question: 3 Infrastructure Developments That Can Transform Property Prices In Malaysia

When it comes to finding a home, keeping an eye out for upcoming infrastructure development is key, as it'll help with house valuations in the long term. This list will help you figure out which are some of the recent noteworthy ones!

Whether you own a vehicle or rely on public transportation, having easy access to move from one place to another is one of the vital components in keeping the economic engine running smoothly.

Imagine the amount of time and resources that will be wasted when people are stuck in massive traffic jams and/or are forced to travel great distances just to get from home to office!

Economic growth is a key reason why governments are incentivised to properly plan the interconnectivity within cities, as well as to the outskirts, and across international borders.

Being able to easily get to work enables us to support ourselves and pay our taxes, which goes into building better infrastructure for the future; leading to even more growth and prosperity for the people.

(Source: Pustaka Negeri Sarawak, 28 Jan 2022)

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