Sarawak State Library


Small Steps to Big Changes: Create the Change You Want Now

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Call no.
: 658.4 KWA
: Kenneth Kwan
: Salina Zawawi
Small Steps to Big Changes is an interesting book which catches my attention with its title. What I like most with this book is its loudest message that addresses a lot of important issues that people have – how to identify what they want out of situations and take active steps towards it. It outlines how readers can move towards their goals and create quick wins. Another essential points that readers can derive from the book includes turning negative conversations into positive ones, creating possibilities when none is at hand, identifying useful ideas and forward-moving action steps. Another points are overcoming procrastination and resistance and building winning mindsets and self-belief. To me book is easy to understand with lots of experiences and insights about human day to day routines with some tips and ideas of challenge and improve the way readers live and work.