Sarawak State Library


The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership: Achieving and Sustaining Excellence through Leadership Development

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Call no.
: 658.4092 LIK
: Jeffrey K. Liker and Gary L. Convis
: Salina Zawawi
To me, this a recommendable reading for those readers who interested to know how Toyota works and lean leadership. The book has revealed the secret ingredient to lean success; lean leadership and how it essentially keeps inspire and motivate Toyota to a great success as what it is today. This book has 272 pages and divided into 7 chapters with one special introduction which describes the roots of Toyota’s global business leadership. The book is about making lean leaders, and it unabashedly uses Toyota as the model par excellence for lean leadership. From its humble beginning in the Japanese rice-growing district of Aichi prefecture almost 80 years ago, Toyota Motor Company developed into the world’s leading automobile manufacturer. Toyota’s story is remarkable by any measure, but it is particularly remarkable given the volatility that has shaken global manufacturing, and the auto industry in particular, over the last 30 years, plus the daunting challenges of the Great Recession, the recall crisis and the East Japan earthquake. To me, this book calls for lean management and if readers want to get into lean, they have to take it to the leadership level, not only on the surface management side but inclusively in totality as what Toyota does and describes in detail in this book.