Sarawak State Library


Sketch With Asia: Manga-Inspired Art And Tutorials

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Call no.
: 741.51 LAD
: Asia Ladowska
: Sofea Binti Sharif
On early influences of Asia Ladowski (author) that write this book, she get influences of art from her cousin, who was studying in art school. Then, she got other massive influences also which are the Pokemon series, Italian comics and Japanese manga. Part 1 of the books tell us about her journey from early work where she’s doing the sketch using pencils, markers and fineliners and after that using computer desk/tablet for digital sketch. She is so captivated by the manga-style feel character and always watching anime to get inspired. Rather than focusing on plot of the story, she is always focusing on the line and style of animation and character. The next part are the advice and steps to start sketching. Learning fundamental of sketching is more important as it is the beginning of an idea. There are do’s and don’ts for warm-up sketching, then you imagine the concept. You can also observe and do reference from any source. After the sketching, we goes for the techniques on how to draw faces, features, expressions, hands and hair with more details. To complete the look, the author describes many process such as on how to choose coloring especially the hair (light to dark or flat color, etc..). The author also shows how to transfer your sketch from sketchbook to digital painting, which is Traditional to Digital and also transfer digital pictures to sketch which is Digital to Traditional. In this book, the author uses photoshop to do the digital process. The author also show on how to develop digital designs, where she reveals the process for creating fully digital illustrations.