Sarawak State Library


The Power of Habit: why we do what we do in life and business

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Call no.
: 158.1/DUH
: Charles Duhigg
: Cennylia Sundong
I cannot say enough good things about this book. I have read literally hundreds of books about habits and habit change in my life. Both for personal pleasure and for researching ideas for books I have written. Some books were horrible, some were decent and a few were really good. Power of Habit is head and shoulders above the rest. The best book on habits ever written. This review doesn’t do justice to T??he Power of Hab??it book. Charles Duhigg does a great job of describing how habits work in a variety of settings. Plus, he provides a great framework for changing your negative habits. The Power of Habit is an excellent book that’s chock full of interesting concepts and examples.