Sarawak State Library


How to get what you want and what you have: A practical guide to personal success

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Call no.
: 158.1/GRA
: John Gray
: Cennylia Sundong
This book offers clear and concise guidance into how many of our blockages can be cleared. As human beings we get blocked and emptied at different stages of our lives. be it in childhood teen years or in relationships, we all get hurt at some stage. In this book John Gray opens the mind body and spirit to the various options available to us, in order to create a balance in our lives and become healthy again. Fear, trust, forgiveness and most of all unconditional LOVE are dealt with in a compassionate way. After reading this book it prepared me for a major life changing experience, that rocked me to my very core. This book simply allows you to learn the art of living in harmony, and balance. Realising the more you let go ---the more you attract in a better way. Even if you only read one chapter you will feel more in tune with yourself. One of the best Self Help books I have read ever. Thank you, John, for your inspiration.