Sarawak State Library


HOW TO BE HAPPY AT WORK : The Power of Purpose, Hope and Friendships

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Call no.
: 650.1/McK
: Annie McKee 
This book makes the point that we cannot separate work from life, that whatever we experience at work spills into our home life and vice versa. The book also makes the point that when we experience things that threaten our values or our financial/mental/physical safety, we get what the book calls an "amygdala hijack" (aka our emotions take over) and we`re in a totally different mindset than we would be otherwise. In that mindset, we do things like yell, fight, quit jobs, or any number of irrational things. That`s not a good thing. A better approach is emotional management, something that develops when we develop and foster our emotional intelligence. With emotional intelligence, we can understand the signs of stress that lead us to the "amygdala hijack" and take proactive and reactive steps to recover "How to Be Happy at Work" deepens our understanding of what it means to be truly fulfilled and effective at work and provides clear, practical advice and instruction for how to get there--no matter what job you have.