Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


help from Chinese medicine

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Call no.
: 616.238/ZHE
: Zheng Shu-Mei and Carl Stimson
Most books are being read to serve a purpose, either for reference, knowledge or to check facts. This book is useful to me as an asthmatic person. Although, we are advised to seek for medical aids in the event of emergency, being aware and knowledgeable about certain sickness is also useful. Having the knowledge helps one to reduce or eliminate whatever triggers the attack. This book defines Asthma as a chronic disease of the airways that makes breathing difficult and that Asthma triggers are different from person to person. This book mentions that there are several factors that may trigger an asthma attack, such as the invasion of the external pathogenic factors, diet, emotional disturbances, congenital weakness and chronic illnesses. Diet can also trigger an asthma attack for some people. The author also list down some of the food that have been noted to increase the likelihood of asthma attacks , such as; raw and cold food, heavy, sweet, and greasy food, fish, crabs, shellfish and other seafood. The above information is useful to me as it cautions me on my diet and exercise and also to be aware of the symptoms and signs of the attack.

In Chinese medicine, asthma is called "xiao chuan", which means wheezing and dyspnea, respectively. Chinese medicine classifies xiao and chuan as two separate illnesses with different treatments. In Chinese medicines, various therapies can be used, such as acupuncture, herbal medicines or massage and many more.

The application for Chinese medicines helps one to reduce the dependency on pharmaceuticals.

This book is easy to understand, with manuals, case study with many pictures to further clarify meanings. People with asthma problem should be able to get useful advice and tips for this book.