Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


Habitude: 21 Days To Change Your Life

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Call no.
: 155.35 FOO
: Aaron Foo and Alfred Netto
: Salina Zawawi
I find this book is interesting, – habitude, the term coined in combination of habit and attitude. It is a simple book but full of content which puts together into 8 chapters and divided into 2 parts – understanding habitude, and making the change. To me, this book gives readers an understanding of how habits and attitudes affect our lives. How good habits and positive attitudes blend together resulting into a beautiful and refreshing ultimate aims of life. As what the authors stress in their writings, readers must have a strong positive attitudes and habits to empowering their own habitudes in our lifelong journey for goals attainment by following the set action plans. The writing style of the book isn’t difficult, and it has 21 days practical action plans and strategies which easy to follow through from day 1 to day 21 such as rediscover the purpose, build a vision board, visualization of dreams, and anchor the feelings up to the last final day 21 which is on review and rewards. This book is suitable to all especially who has a strong definition to attain his dreams by practicing positive habitudes in life.