Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


Amazing Edible Seeds Health: Boosting and delicious recipes using nature’s nutritional powerhouse

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Call no.
: 641.656 EDG
: By Vicki Edgson and Heather Thomas, Photography by Yuki Sugiura
: Shahrieza Binti Rabaie
The book of Amazing Edible Seeds Health: Boosting and delicious recipes using nature’s nutritional powerhouse written by Vicki Edgson and Heather Thomas where is about discover health and nutritional powers of seeds into delicious, nourishing meals. Actually, before I read this book, I was curious regarding seeds, what it is, what the function and the benefit of seeds. When I read this book, I know that the pomegranate is an apart of seeds where is juicy seeds found within the fruit of the same name, protected by pithy white flesh. This book also gives information about how to preparing the seeds for example if growing seeds in indoors u need to put them to exposed to daylight and keep them separate from detergents and other household sprays. Besides that, this book also content more that 50 recipes that demonstrate the amazing versatility of numerous ways to enjoy seeds. The information in this book very details and easy to understand and use for our daily life especially for people who want to change their life to be healthier.