Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


20 natural ways to reduce the risk of prostate cancer : a mind body approach to health and well-being

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Call no.
: 616.9463/SCA
: James Scala 
: Nesly Rebid
Doctors advised that prostate prevention is the best way of keeping prostate cancer away because prevention works once you understand prostate cancer causes and eliminate those factors from your daily diet. Some men have an increased risk of prostate cancer and there may be other options for risk reduction, such as medications This book tells you about the effects of prostate cancer, explaining how it starts and grows, while exploring the positive impact of dietary and lifestyle changes upon the prevention and treatment of this disease. The author says that most prostate cancer risk factors are related to diet, food and nutrition. He also says that our dietary food and nutrition habits are 100% under our own control. Hence, we can actually reduce our risk of prostate cancer by making healthy choices, such as exercising and eating a healthy diet. The Chapter on “ Eat to reduce risk” tells you which food promote prostate health.