Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak



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Call no.
: 005.8/MES
: Nur Syamimi Abdullah
Network Forensics provides a unique practice guide for IT professionals and law enforcement who try to find a deeper understanding of cyber security. The book is practical by dividing the package, you gain basic knowledge that comes from experience only. By using real packet capture and log files present network traffic investigations, and learning while working approaches important skills that may not have traditional forensic researchers. From analysis of network packets to host artifacts to log analysis and beyond, this book emphasizes critical techniques that bring evidence to light. Network forensics becomes increasingly important for law enforcement because cyber crime has become never saved in one place. This book provides previous level of live training to give the investigators the skills they need. Network data is always changing, an investigator must understand how to check data everytime, involving special skills beyond the memory, cell phone, or forensic data. Whether you are preparing for a security certification or just looking for deeper training for law enforcement or IT roles, you can only learn a lot from the concept; to understand something, you have to do it. Network Forensics provides intensive, direct practice with direct translation to real-world applications.