Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


The Digital Divide

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Call no.
: 303.4833/DIJ
: Jan Van Dijk
: Nur Farhan Bin Aini
Despite optimistic aspirations of a free internet for all, the `digital divide,` or the gap between those who have access to internet technology and those who do not, has existed for nearly two decades. Jan van Dijk examines the current status of digital inequality and what may be done to address it in this textbook. He examines the motivations and problems of obtaining access, as well as the development of necessary digital skills, using an accessible framework based on empirical research. He answers important questions like: Is digital inequality reducing or exacerbating existing inequalities? Is it causing new socioeconomic inequities that weren`t there before? Is it causing new socioeconomic inequities that weren`t there before? While digital inequality affects all sectors of society and is here to remain, Van Dijk proposes strategies that can help minimise the problem. Students and scholars of media, communication, sociology, and allied fields, as well as policymakers, should read The Digital Divide.