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  • Issue number 75 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, January 3, 19492049

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    1948 - Notes and Comments - The Test Ground - Oil Production in Sarawak - Law Report - England My England - Letter from Ceylon - The Lost Legion - The Large Mammals of Borneo-(Contd.) - Birds in a Bornean Garden IV - Sarawak Museum - The Library - Fifty Years Ago - This Sarawak - Sibu Bowling Averages-November - Correspondence:-News from London, Dayong Lalang - News from Far and Near - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1091 - Sarawak Gazette, Tuesday, February 1, 19492209

    The Prison Service - Notes and Comments - The Secretary of The State Message - The Production of Gold in Sarawak - Financial Settlements and War Damage Compensation Schemes - Britain and Asia - Law Report - Legend : The Golden Monkey - An Account of a Journey in the Kakus Area - The Rape of The Sadong-Two Versions - The Riddle of the Bearded Pig - M. V. Subok - International Rubber Situation - Sarawak Museum - The Library - Ode to an Unborn Turtle - Fifty Years Ago - This Sarawak - Sibu Bowling Averages - Correspondence:-The Large Mammals of Borneo, Contributed - News from Far and Near - Kuching Market Price List - Jubilee Recreation Ground Fund-Account, 1948

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  • Issue number 1092 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, March 7, 19491942

    Forthcoming Marriage - A Matter of Interest - Notes and Comments - The Ban of Mr. Anthony Brooke Entry into Sarawak - His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government tour of the 2nd Division - The Pepper Industry in Sarawak - Fresh Water Fish - The Uses of Timber in the Tropics - Law Report - The Ecological Distribution of Mammals of Borneo - The Large Mammals of Borneo - Sport in Borneo - The First Full Moon - A Visit to Saribas - The Sarawak Museum - The Library - The Almanac - Fifty Years Ago - This Sarawak - Sibu Bowling Averages - Correspondence:-Contributed, News from Far and Near, The Tide Tables - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1093 - Sarawak Gazette, Thursday, April 7, 19491704

    Copy - Notes and Comments - Belaga Muvui - Outstation Horrors - Elephants - The Baram District - Obituary:-Herbert Addington Adams - A Dayak Fable - The Origin of Sebuyau Race - The Refashioning of the Temple - The Stone Age of Sarawak? - The Almanac - This Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - Press Release - The Dayak Volunteers in Malaya - Law Report - Hotel Accommodation in London - The Ecological Distribution of Mammals of Borneo - The Rajang River between Sibu and Kapit - The Museum (April) - The Library (April) - Extracts from minutes of a meeting of the Kuching Municipal Board, held on 22nd February, 1949 - Correspondence:-Imported Siam Rice, The Pepper Industry, Contributed, Present, Fish Potting - Sarawak Turf Club - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1094 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, May 7, 19492488

    Birth:-Richards - Dissaforestation - Notes and Comments - The Forgotten Land - Note on some Mukah and Balingian Melanau Customs - His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government at the ceremony of blessing the turtles - Tour of the Third Division by Their Excellencies the Commissioner-General and the Officer Administering the Government - News-letters from Outstations - Wings over Sarawak - The Baram District - Fifty Years Ago - Law Report - "Kapal Maimuna" - Apology - The Museum - Extracts from Annual Reports of Administrative Officers for 1948 - The Almanac - This Sarawak - Borneo is Shrinking? - Bestowel of Honours! - Pythons for Padi Protection! - The Library - Correspondence:-A History of Sarawak Currency Issues - Sibu Bowling Averages - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1095 - Sarawak Gazette, Tuesday, June 7, 19491983

    Efficiency! - Speech by His Excellency the Officer Administering the Government at the opening of the Council Negri, 16th May, 1949 - Notes and Comments - Notes on some Mukah and Balingian Melanau Customs - The First Two White Rajahs - The Travelling Dispensary No. 2 - ?Desecration? - Obituary:-The Right Reverend Monsignor Aloysius Hopfgartner - Tarat Agricultural Station - Counter-Counterfeiting - Two Days: London - Two Stories from Jagoi Dayaks - Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society - Sarawak Timber Exports - Taxation in 1885 - News-letters from Outstations - Geographical Distributions of Bornean Mammals - Bintulu Regatta - Fifty Years Ago - Law Report - Sarawak Museum - Extracts from Reports of Administrative Officers for the First Quarter of 1949 - Kuching Municipal Board - The Almanac - This Sarawak - Memorandum on proposals for a War Damage Compensation Scheme in Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei - The Library - Correspondence - Sibu Bowling Averages - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1096 - Sarawak Gazette, Thursday, July 7, 19492140

    The Colony of British Borneo? - Notes and Comments - Aerial Reconnaissance of Sarawak - Of Batangs and Tanggas - Geographical Distribution of Bornean Mammals - Broadcast Talk - Nature Notes - Concert and Handicraft Exhibition at Batu Lintang - Fifty Years Ago - News-letters from Outstations - Sibu Regatta 1949 - Sibu Regatta-Land Sports - Sibu Annual Regatta Football Competition 1949 - Law Report - "A Naturalist in Sarawak" by E. Banks - The Almanac - Sarawak Association - Barbiculture - This Sarawak - The Museum - Kuching Municipal Board - Press Release - The Library - Correspondence:-Belaga Muvui and Water Gauges - Sibu Bowling Averages - Sibu Annual Regatta, 1949, Sweepstake - Sarawak Club-Derby Sweep - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1097 - Sarawak Gazette, Saturday, August 6, 19492231

    Our Economic Future - The First Governor - Notes and Comments - Sarawak, East Africa - Department of Agriculture Extension Work - Co-operative Department-Quarterly Report - The Upland Plateau - Fifty Years Ago - Past History, 1941-1942 - Whale Sharks and Devil Rays in North Borneo - Geographical Distribution of Bornean Mammals - A Distinguished Visitor - Sarawak Peat Swamps - Local Art Exhibition - This Sarawak - The Almanac - The Museum - Tour of Sarawak and Brunei by His Excellency the Governor of sarawak and High Commissioner for Brunei - Kuching Municipal Board - The Library - Press Release-International Rubber Situation - Correspondence:-Barbiculture - Sibu Bowling Averages - Sarawak Turf Club-Autumn Meeting 1949 - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1098 - Sarawak Gazette, Wednesday, September 7, 19492158

    An Hotel for Kuching - Notes and Comments - The Baram, Limbang and Trusan Highlands - More Discrimination - Fifty Years Ago - Past History, 1941-1942 - The Sarawak Music Society - The Economy of the People living in the Basin of the Batang Sadong - The Kuching Jail - PAS Fiend-All Well - Geographical Distribution of Bornean Mammals - A Fragment - The Almanac - News-letters from Qutstations - Law Report -Tour of Brunei and 4th and 5th Divisions of Sarawak by His Excellency the Officer Administrating the Government - This Sarawak - The Museum - Extracts from Reports of Administrative Officers for the Second Quarter of 1949 - Book Review - Kuching Municipal Board - The Library - Correspondence:-Punan or Penan, Department of Agriculture Extension Work , Annual Report for 1948, Our Economic Future - Extended Far Eastern Private Chattels Scheme (War Damage) - Gift Parcels to the United Kingdom - Sarawak Government Junior Service Association - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1099 - Sarawak Gazette, Friday, October 7, 19491602

    Birth:-Morris, Communications - Our New Governor - Notes and Comments - "To-morrow to Fresh Woods and Pastures New" - Fifty Years Ago - Past History, 1941-1942 - Kuching Regatta - Our Economic Future - Pilgrimage - News-letters from Outstations - Notes from Mukah - Capital Investment in British Borneo - "The War in Malaya" - Secretariat Scrambles - The Almanac - Sarawak Forestry Development Plan - Racing returns to Sarawak - This Sarawak - The Museum - Extracts from Reports of Administrative Officer for the Second Quarter of 1949 - Kuching Municipal Board - Library - Press Release-International Rubber Situation - Correspondence:-Punan or Penan, Our Economic Future, Accomodation in Kuching - Notice (Ambulance Charges) - Sarawak Turf Club-List of Drawings - Kuching Market Price List

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  • Issue number 1100 - Sarawak Gazette, Monday, November 7, 19491808

    The University of Malaya - Notes and Comments - Port development in Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - Past History, 1941-1942 - Simunjan Regatta - Pepper-Planting in Sarawak, 1947-49 - News-letters from Outstations - Book Review - Doa - Racing in Sarawak - Cheap Labour - The Almanac - Golf - Santubong - Interlude at the Rest House Bar - This Sarawak - The Museum - Kuching Municipal Board - Sarawak Turf Club - The Library - Press Release-International Rubber Situation - Correspondence:-Penan or Penan, To-morrow to Fresh Woods and Pstures New, Cat for Kanowit - Kuching Market Price List - Malayan Branch, Royal Asiatic Society - Notices

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  • Issue number 1101 - Sarawak Gazette, Wednesday, December 7, 19492408

    Weekly Pay - Errata - Notes and Comments - Attack on His Excellency the Governor - Fisheries Survey of Sarawak - Fifty Years Ago - Installation of His Excellency the Governor - Past History, 1941-1942 - Police Court, Kuching - Speeches at the opening of the Council Negri - The Council Negeri - Circus Serambles - Lalang and Shifting Cultivation in Sarawak - Extracts from Reports of Adminstrative Officers for the Third Quarter of 1949 - A visit to West Borneo - Obituary - The Almanac - Sportsmanship - Awakening - Exhumation - The Museum - The Kuching Boys Home - This Sarawak - The Library - Press Release - International Rubber Situation - Correspondence:- Letter from Canine, Past History, 1941-1942, Punan or Penan, Our Economic Future, To-morrow to Fresh Woods and Pastures New - Kuching Market Price List - Notices - Sarawak Union Lottery

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