Sarawak State Library


The Three Commitments of Leadership: How Clarity, Stability and Rhythm Create Great Leaders

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: 658.4092 END
: Tom Enderse, Jay Therrien and Jon Wortman
: Salina Zawawi
I get this book as I attracted to its title The Three Commitments of Leadership which talks on clarity, stability and rhythm. As I read further, I understand that clarity here means the need to create a common understanding of what success looks like. Stability is further described as providing the resources people need and a building a culture of trust while rhythm is fostering a flow of work and an environment that feels natural. These three commitments drive to success. To me, what has been written in the book is a very useful advice to anyone in whatever capacity the person holds. The key advise of this book is about commitment or pay attention. It provides insight that assist the directions in whatever trials. It switches the old way of viewing leadership which leaders versus followers to a new model of engagement in which every teammate assumes responsibility for the team’s collective results. To me, the book will help many readers to appreciate commitments. This book is recommended to all, to deeply understand what commitment is and the beautiful wisdom it has to be come the kind of leader people want to work with.