Sarawak State Library


How to sleep well

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Call no.
: 613.794 STA
: Dr.Neil Stanley
: Shahrieza Binti Rabaie
The book of How to sleep well written by Vicki is about how to get better sleep and quality sleep. Sleeping poorly or not sleeping enough can impact our quality of life ,in this book teach readers to learn how sleep, identify the root causes of your sleep, discover the sleep advice that works and tips that are just plain daft then create a health ,calming bedtime routine that will help us to get the rest that we need. This book also can help you get on track to sleeping well and living better. The most important is not to be too stress or worry too much because it can produce stress hormones then will make you hard to sleep and get poor sleep. So as adult we need to manage our stress as well and be calm to get healthy sleep.