Laman Rasmi Pustaka Negeri Sarawak


eLaw.my Our New Online Resources

Ditulis pada 21 February 2024

Hello readers!

We are thrilled to announce our new online resources.

eLaw.my is Malaysia's largest and smartest legal research database with a unique multi-journal citator and a database that houses over 120,000 from the superior courts, Industrial Court, and Syariah Court. For the Jurnal Hukum, the collection are start from 1965 up to the current years.

Interested to get access to our subscribe online resources? Head over to Pustaka Negeri Sarawak or just simply click link below to register as our member.


For any further questions, please contact our Reference Librarian at the whatsapp link below:


Reference Librarian
Information Services Division
Pustaka Negeri Sarawak
Jalan Pustaka, Off Jalan Stadium
93050 Kuching, Sarawak.
Tel : 082-442000
Fax : 082-449944
Website : www.pustaka-sarawak.com
Email : librarian@sarawak.gov.my